Legacy Road Safety Initiative

About this policy

It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.

Any employee who breaches this policy (or the spirit of this policy) will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for gross misconduct. Any non-employee who breaches this policy may have their contract terminated with immediate effect. Where a breach of this policy amounts to an offence, the employee concerned may face criminal prosecution.

This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and we may amend it at any time.



The purpose of the Code of Conduct Policy is to provide emphasis and clarity on expectations under the Code of Conduct for Legacy Road Safety Initiative Employees, which is binding on all.

The policy is issued to all employees on commencement and re-issued through learning and development programs and at the time new editions. LRSI is committed to being a responsibly managed organisation. Achieving this requires the Organisation to meet generally accepted standards of service, employment and work practices while ensuring that all employees are supported and provided guidance for working within the Organisation.

LRSI Board members and employees must have regard to LRSI Vision, Mission and Values, their judgement, integrity and common sense as a guideline and framework for making decisions.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with all other LRSI policies.

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In our use of visual images, both photographic stills and video, our overriding principle is to maintain respect and dignity in our portrayal of children, families, teachers and communities. Obtained herein are procedures on how we should communicate and uphold both internal and external engagements at all times.


LRSI strongly supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which makes the best interests of the child a primary consideration (Art. 3), and states that every child has the right to privacy (Art. 16) and protection from all forms of exploitation (Art. 36). Whilst we acknowledge that images are an essential element in portraying our work to the general public and other constituencies, and for raising funds, we strive to maintain the dignity of everyone with whom we work and will not use images that are disrespectful or demeaning.


This document sets out the principles LRSI employs to regulate our use of images of children, their families where necessary and the teachers. The guidelines that follow will be of particular use to staff in the field in contact with children, families and teachers.

LRSI is committed to effective dissemination and receipt of Information and communication within the organization and with clients, stakeholders, and the media.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to LRSI in developing and implementing effective communication strategies.

This policy applies to all Board members, staff and volunteers and encompasses;

  • Aim/Purpose of communications
  • Functions & delegations
  • Policy details
  • Guidelines for obtaining communication materials.
  • Guidelines for publishing information
  • Communication tools and mechanisms

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LRSI is a national NGO advocating and promoting road safety and sustainable mobility among young people. Our goal is to ensure that we create a mindset change and inculcate road safety discipline among young people hence promoting youngster road safety ambassadors. This calls for a robust policy and procedure detailing how engagements and all undertakings are handled and managed.

LRSI has a duty and responsibility for making arrangements to ensure all its functions are discharged having regard to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children/young people in their care – this includes all services directly provided and outsourced from third parties.

This policy therefore sets a standard for the organisation to follow on all its engagement with young people across board. On the other hand, it serves to safeguard the young people and their wellbeing both during their involvement with the organisation and on their own undertakings.

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Procurement covers all the business processes associated with purchasing the goods/services/works we use to run our organisation and deliver our program objectives. It starts with identifying our needs, then planning the best way to meet them; continues through sourcing the goods/services/works then managing the contract; and ends with expiry of either the contract or the asset’s useful life.

Our organisation has a mandate to advocate and promote road safety and sustainable mobility among young people. It is the role of all functional units to ensure synergy in their operations with a unified goal towards the achievement of the overall objectives of the organisation at large. Procurement has to ensure value for money is achieved in all purchase undertakings.

This policy is designed to ensure a common approach across the organisation in the procurement of goods, services and services. The polices and principles presented herein will ensure that LRSI will comply with the very best practices across in the market as a whole. Implementation of these policies and principles will ensure our procurement complies with the different existing procurement legal frameworks and Government Guidelines, gets best value for money and ensures that in general, a competitive process is carried out in an open, objective and transparent manner to achieve best value for money in procurement.

It is very important that the procurement function is discharged honestly, fairly and in a manner that secures best value for public money. This department must be cost effective and efficient in the use of resources while upholding the highest standards of probity and integrity.

Purpose and scope

This policy and LRSI’s procurement procedures outline the approach that LRSI will take to planning, sourcing and managing its procurement to ensure compliance with internal procurement procedures and the organisation objectives. They must be followed by all our temporary and permanent employees, consultants and contractors. Any departure from this approach must first be approved by the Executive Director.

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Policy statement:

This policy covers and outlines standards for use of social media and cross-refers to other relevant policies, such as communications policy, child safeguarding, acceptable use of technology among others.

Who the policy covers:

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to LRSI in dissemination of information and communication

This policy applies to all Board members, staff and volunteers and all stakeholders who engage with us on all fronts.

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Who is it for? How do you use it?

The policy also applies to all staff members and partners of LRSI at both local and international level. All implementing partners, donors and suppliers are subject to the measures

to prevent financing terrorism and/or money laundering. Whilst we work in unpredictable environment and unprecedented times, LRSI works with both local and international partner organizations, the majority of whom we have known well over a long period of time. We believe that, by working in this way, there is a relatively low risk that our funds will inadvertently find their way into the hands of those who will use them for violent purposes.

The AML Act requires LRSI to develop and implement policies, controls and procedures to enable her to effectively detect, manage and mitigate the identified risks in the future related to Money laundering and Terrorist Financing activities.

It is based on the above requirements that this procedures and policy document intends to give guidance on how LRSI can maintain sufficient response to matters of AML.

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