Safe school zone campaign
In July 2022, launched Safe school zone campaign in partnership with KCCA, Uganda Police Force (UPF), Uganda Insurers Association (UIA), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) and Ministry of Works among others; we launched our maiden road safety marathon (5 km & 3km races), attracted over 500 young people, painted 5 zebra crossings around school areas in Kampala, and 5 schools within Kampala participated.

Non - Motorised Transport (NMT) and road safety sensitization campaign
In May 2021, during UN Global Road Safety (UNRSW) LRSI organised the Non - Motorised Transport (NMT) and road safety sensitization campaign in Downtown Kampala along Namirembe Road under the theme “Streets for Life” advocating for 30km/hr across cities, and towns. This was in partnership with KCCA, UIA, Ministry of Works and Transport, URCS, World Resource Institute, Stabex International, TEENS Uganda, UPF among others. As a result, we engaged approximately 120 cyclists, 50 students, 30 government executives, and 500 public Road Users.

Psycho-social support & Sensitisation engagement
In May 2019 LRSI organized a Psycho-social support & Sensitisation engagement that included visiting crash victims in Mulago main referral hospital, sensitising motorcyclists - the 2nd leading cause of traffic crashes in Uganda and as a result; over 1,200 motorcyclists (bodaboda) were sensitised and trained on road safety measures and the risk behaviours, medical sundries were donated as well as hampers to over 50 crash victims. 150 plus people were sensitised in the different wards.

Training of motorcycle riders (boda - boda)
In Sept 2021, trained 100 commercial motorcycle riders (boda - boda) in Kampala City, “Safe Ride Kampala” in partnership with Uganda Insurers Association – this was to enable the riders to adhere to road safety standards in the areas of basics of (commercial) motorcycle riding, Highway Code, Motorcycle insurance, Customer care, riding permit, day and night riding, Covid-19 and SOPs.

Training and sensitisation of the public on basic emergency procedures
In 2019, participated in a Mass Casualty Simulation and Media Awareness Campaign in partnership with Seed Global, Ministry of Health, Emergency Society Care Uganda, KCCA, Association of Ambulance Professionals of Uganda (AAPU). To train and sensitise the public on basic emergency procedures, available post-crash response facilities, and cash scene management.

Dissemination partner in Art for Road Safety Campaign
In June 2021, participated as a dissemination partner in Art for Road Safety Campaign - (using art to advocate for the wearing of helmets) organised by Global Coalition for Road Safety together with Youth for Road Safety (YOURS) in partnership with TotalEnergies among other stakeholders.

TWEDDEKO Road Safety Caravan 2019
In October 2019, participated in “TWEDDEKO Road Safety Caravan 2019” in partnership with VIVO Energy, NTV, Ministry of Works & Transport, Uganda Police Force, Uganda Red Cross Society among others. The drive was to create awareness, train and sensitise road users and stakeholders on safer road use along Bombo road, Gulu Highway.

Cities Learning Exchange and Open Streets Kampala
In October 2019, participated in Cities Learning Exchange and Open Streets Kampala in partnership with TEENS Uganda, ITDP, UN-HABITAT, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) among other stakeholders. This was geared towards the launch of the NMT Corridor in Downtown Kampala along Luwum street to Namirembe road.

Feminist Road Safety
May 2021-March 2022, participated in a feminist Road Safety campaign that advocated for women’s rights to a safe mobility and safe spaces where girls and women are free from uninvited verbal, emotional and physical harassment while on the roads. The campaign was dubbed "Be Road Smart" in partnership with Youth Arts Movement Uganda among other partners and supported by Global Coalition for Road Safety and Youth For Road Safety (YOURS).